Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Nyx Brights Palette

Nyx Ultimate Shadow Palette in Brights

I recently picked up the Nyx Brights Palette.  This has been on my wishlist on a while, so I’m glad I finally got my hands on it.  I’ve been basically using this palette nonstop since I picked it up. I haven’t gotten to use every single shadow in this palette, but I’ve had nothing but positive experiences so far.
Nyx Brights Eyeshadow Palette

This row consists of two green shades and two yellow shades.  The shade on the far left is a dark matte green, the next is a shimmery lime green, a matte mustard yellow, and a more pastel yellow that is shimmery.  These shades all performed well. The only downside is I hardly ever wear yellow or green, so these shadows are wasted on me.
Nyx Brights Eyeshadow Palette

This row consists of bluer shades.  There is a true blue shimmer shade, a lighter matte blue, a shimmery teal, and a matte pastel mint shade.  These are my favorite types of colors and as a result this row is also my favorite. The matte shades in this palette have really impressed me, especially the mint shade.  I’ve rarely seen, even more expensive palettes, do pastels this well. All these shades performed very well.
Nyx Brights Eyeshadow Palette

This row is all about the purple, even though a couple of the shades may look more pink when they’re hanging out in the palette.  I found this row hard to swatch, but I haven’t had any problems when using them. The dark purple shade on the far left was definitely the hardest to build up, but that seems like a pattern in these darker purple shades anyway.  The next shade is a beautiful electric violet shade. The third shade is a matte pinkish purple and was a lot more purple than I expected just looking at in the palette. The last shade is a shimmery pastel lilac that can lean pink in certain lights.  The pastel shade didn’t show up well in swatching, but it performed well enough on the lid. It isn’t the most pigmented simply because of the nature of this type of shade.
Nyx Brights Eyeshadow Palette

This row has a red, a pink, and a couple of oranges.  The far left shade is red with flakes of gold glitter.  The glitter is so insubstantial that it barely showed up.  I couldn’t see it in the swatch, but I did notice it in the photo.  The next shade was a hot pink. Then, was a shade that looked surprisingly pink when swatched.  This shade, like the one directly beneath it, didn’t look the same in the palette as it does in the swatch.  The last shade was a darker, more true orange.

Overall, I’ve been satisfied with this palette.  The Nyx products I’ve used in the past haven’t been fantastic, but this impressed me.  I’ve really liked this palette so far and I love the amount of shades. This really gives a wide range of shades in a compact little palette.  I think the only shade that might have disappointed me was the dark purple, but like I said earlier I would have expected it from this type of shade.

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